Transforming Smiles with Dr. Lauren McHugh

Transforming Smiles with Dr. Lauren McHugh
Gate Dental’s Dr. Lauren Mc Hugh talks technology, smile transformations and the magic of putting people at ease. 

In partnership with Gate Dental Clinic Galway.

I tend to get up between half five and half six. I did rowing since I was in secondary school, so I’ve always been about the early starts and making the most of the day.

I spent a lot of time in the dentist growing up. I was quite sick as a child and ended up having a lot of dental issues when I was very young. I try my best to put people at ease and give them a nice experience because I was lucky enough to have that. 

Many people expect a dentist to be in dentistry because they have perfect teeth. But having had experiences similar to a lot of people, I understand what it’s like and what people want to know as opposed to just the science aspect of it.

I get to the clinic about 8am and plan ahead with my nurse; we’ll chat about what equipment we need and get our paperwork ready for the day. I do a mix of general dentistry – things like routine checkups, cleaning, scaling, polishes, fillings – orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry and facial aesthetics. There’s a big variety, I definitely don’t get bored!

New wave technology: advancing dental care with 3D scanners and same day crowns 

I’m excited about how science and technology are making an impact in density. It makes sense to follow the technology because it’s so much more pleasant and efficient for patients. We have things like 3D scanners and a milling machine, right, meaning if someone needs a crown, it can be made and fitted all in one day.

We have a huge apparatus of digital equipment here. I’m very lucky to be a part of that. We’re even in the process of looking into getting 3D printers that can print orthodontic aligners, retainers and sports guards. 

It’s so nice helping patients improve their smile. Seeing the difference in their smiles before their treatment and afterwards is incredible, especially in someone’s confidence.

No one would ever think someone’s going to hug their dentist, but it has happened and it’s so special. It’s nice to see that you can make a difference for people! 

Photography by Nathalie Marquez Courtney

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